The Vision of Mesa Life
We are a village rooted in ancestral shamanic tradition as brought forth by the universal and sacred spirit of Fire. We embrace a way of life in balance with the land and the natural world, celebrating our connection to each other and the world community.
The Mesa Life Project stands in solidarity with the multitude of people and projects around the world laboring to ignite a more balanced way of living—widely embraced as a movement for sustainability and a regenerative way of life. We are committed to decreasing our human impact on the natural world. At the same time, while we support these efforts in their many guises, our vision and action is distinct from secular approaches. We are guided by the Great Shaman of the World, Grandfather Fire, just as many traditions around the world are guided by the Sacred Fire of our Hearts.
We connect with a vision greater than our own personal needs. This vision informs a way of life that aligns with the natural world and will sustain our people for the next seven generations.
For us, there is no “environment.” The natural world is neither abstract nor anonymous. It is not a storehouse of resources, nor an aggregate of dead matter. In fact, the rumor you may have heard is quite true: the world is unrelentingly alive!
While we may calculate our carbon footprint and enthusiastically go solar, our primary calling is to re-enter into respectful and reciprocal relationship with all that sustains us and the natural world. As a result, our vision of sustainable living is of a people gratefully implicated in the web of life—celebrating the never-ending inflow of gifts, navigating our trials and obstacles, and honoring our obligations to the beings that make our lives possible. We are not a part of nature, we are nature.
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As a people finally and firmly rooted in place, we are a high desert, Colorado community whose connections with each other, our own true selves, and the land we live among are passionately, if imperfectly, attended to as the sacred ground of our lives.