Master Plan for Mesa Life

The First Master Plan
In 2010 the Mesa Life master plan was compiled into a design charrette.

Creating a Master Plan is an organic process. The plan has changed over time. The house design and placement changes as our membership changes and grows

Existing structures


Our first building built over many years came into full being in 2012. It is a counsel house, a place for retreat and a place for healing.

Contact us to inquire about using the space for retreat.

Development Plans for 2017

Community Center

Our community center will have space for building projects, programs, workshops, gatherings and meetings. It will house our Solar panels.

photo courtesy of EcoNest®️

First Residences

Our first residences will have 3 units. Units are private living spaces, or rooms, they can be for couples or singles. It will have a common shared living area for the 3 units with a kitchen, living room and dining. The utility area will have a wood boiler that heats both the residence and the workshop.

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