Kathy German

Kathy is the mother of her son Justin, born in 1995.  He is the best experience in life that she will ever have the blessing to know and experience in this lifetime.  Experiencing Justin’s birth into the world, seeing his growth and learning as a child, and...

Deanna Jenné

Deanna Jenné is first mother to Katie and wife to Gary Weidner. Deanna has put her heart and soul into raising Katie with values she adheres to, being a supporter of community and working hard and with integrity for what she believes in. She has spent many years to...

Heidi Griswold

I was blessed as a child to grow up and see so many amazing places and cultures. My father grew up on the Navajo reservation where my extended family still runs a trading post. My mother is from Germany, the Bavarian town of Nurnberg where I got to visit often as a...

Staying put

“We’ve got to go someplace, find something.” Jack Kerouac So says narrator Sal Paradise, speeding down a country road in Dean Moriarity’s ’49 Hudson, up the Eastern seaboard. A haunting little line that shadows the whole of Kerouac’s On the Road, it...

Why Community?

Why would an individual or family want to join like-minded others in a planned living arrangement? Community living offers connection and support: human essentials growing scarce in the single family model so prominent today. Community is the ideal setting for shared...

The Sun’s Gift

As the days shorten and the nights grow longer I feel the need to pause for a minute to recognize the perpetual light in my life. The Sun has made a profound impact on my life this year. Personally, I have begun to align myself with daily prayer to the Sun for the...